ALFAwetlands blog

  • Importance of Beavers in Wetland Restoration: The UK Example


    Importance of Beavers in Wetland Restoration: The UK Example

    Beavers, known for their remarkable ability to transform landscapes through dam-building and waterway management, once thrived across the British Isles. Their journey from native inhabitants to locally extinct species and finally to their reintroduction highlights the complexities of human-wildlife interactions and the evolving understanding of ecological restoration.   Ancient Inhabitants  Beavers were once widespread across the…

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  • Living Lab Open Day at Living Lab in Germany


    Living Lab Open Day at Living Lab in Germany

    ALFAwetlands partners are continuing conducting Living Labs Open Days and we are grateful to Marie Lorenz from Michael Succow Foundation for sharing their story with us. Open Day On 11th of July on the Living Lab Open Day at the Moorbauer in Malchin, Germany was all about peatlands. Where is it easier to understand the…

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  • The complexity of data collection – the ALFAwetlands approach


    The complexity of data collection – the ALFAwetlands approach

    ALFAwetlands is a complex, multi-annual EU Horizon project with project partners and their respective Living Labs from across Europe. Further, there are nine different wetland types from restored peat extraction areas (Fig. 1) over wetland forests to coastal wetlands included in our project. Consequently, any kind of data collection should be synchronized, hereby following the…

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  • Living Lab Open Day in Germany 


    Living Lab Open Day in Germany 

    On 11th July, 2024 ALFAwetlands German Living Lab Open Day will be conducted. It will take place in Malchin, Germany at the river Peene Valley.  Visitors are invited to participate in excursions through the peatland and get more information about wetlands, learn about ALFAwetlands project and restoration activities in the Upper Peene Valley. Educational input on the subject…

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  • Fire Management of reed belt in Austria


    Fire Management of reed belt in Austria

    Management of the reed belt is one of the most important topics of the ALFAwetlands Austrian-Hungarian ALFAwetlands Living Lab. Introduction Recent studies (Nemeth et al. 2022) have shown that large parts of the reed belt consist of reed stands that are decades old and that there are clear signs of progressive dieback processes in these…

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  • Peatland protection in Austrian Burgenland


    Peatland protection in Austrian Burgenland

    One of the ALFAwetlands Living Labs: Austrian-Hungarian Living Lab is located partly in Austria in the Burgenland Region. For this region Action Plan, based on the Austrian Peatland Strategy 2030+ has been developed. Please also read: Action Plan Burgenland The Burgenland Action Plan, based on the Austrian Peatland Strategy 2030+, is currently in the planning…

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  • Austrian Peatland Strategy 2030+


    Austrian Peatland Strategy 2030+

    One of the ALFAwetlands project countries is Austria, where Peatland Strategy is being implemented. Austria’s Commitment to Wetland Conservation Austria’s wetlands, particularly its swamps and peatlands, play a crucial role in the ecosystem, providing essential services such as water retention, filtration, and climate regulation. Recognising their importance, Austria has developed a comprehensive Peatland Strategy, aimed…

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  • Field visit and Living Lab Open Day


    Field visit and Living Lab Open Day

    After three fruitful Midterm Conference days from which two were filled with presentations, workshops, discussions and meetings, it was time to go outdoors again! Please also read: ALFAwetlands conference day 1: Excursion to the Hungarian side of the lake Excursion to National Park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel Day 4 of the ALFAwetlands Midterm Conference began at the…

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  • ALFAwetlands Press Release 2024


    ALFAwetlands Press Release 2024

    ALFAwetlands Midterm Conference ALFAwetlands Midterm Conference took place during 21-24 of May 2024 at the Austrian-Hungarian Living Laboratory site. The main location of the Conference was the Neusiedl See – Seewinkel National Park Visitor Center in Illmitz, Austria. The Conference aimed to review the ALFAwetlands implementation progress, present and exchange current results as well as…

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