EVINBO-ALFAwetlands partner from Belgium

ALFAwetlands consortium includes a partner organisation from Belgium: EVINBO, the Own capital of  Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO).


INBO is the independent research institute of the Flemish government that underpins and evaluates biodiversity policy and management by means of applied scientific research, data and knowledge sharing. It describes the state and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services, investigates causes of change and develops directly applicable instruments. It develops future studies that underpin nature policy in the longer term. EVINBO always does this in dialogue with partners from society, science, policy and management.

Through its Own Capita (EVINBO), INBO can receive additional funding from European Commission managed budgets. In these international scientific collaborations INBO extends its network, exchanges data, develops transnational monitoring instruments, builds up and shares knowledge and expertise.

EVINBO´s role in ALFAwetlands project

EVINBO is involved in the ALFAwetlands Work Packages 1, 3 and 6. Furthermore, in Work Package 1 EVINBO is responsible for a metastudy of larger, already implemented restoration measures and approaches in peatland during the past 40 years in Europe. In this study successful restoration approaches are highlighted on national and European level.

In Work Package 3 EVINBO assists in harmonizing sampling design, sampling methods & datasets. Furthermore, EVINBO monitors GHG fluxes and environmental parameters (e.g. precipitation, soil temperature, moisture, groundwater level) in the Living Lab in Belgium.  In cooperation with other partners EVINBO will examine GHG budgets in wetlands under different land use, restoration & management regimes.

In addition, in Work Package 6 EVINBO coordinates the development of a reference tool for cost-effective implementation of wetland restoration policies. EVONBO will highlight best practices for wetland restoration.

(EV)INBO ALFAwetlands team

The EVINBO ALFAwetlands team is located in Brussels, in Belgium.

The team is led by Maud Raman, coordinating projects related to ecosystem restoration and the functioning of ecosystems in relation to environmental pressures or climate change.

Tom de Dobbelaer is an ecologist almost full-time working on this project, performing a meta-analysis of peatland restoration projects and coordinating the fieldwork in the Living Lab

Nuria Simoens is conducting the fieldwork in the living lab.

Suzanna Lettens is an expert in soil science, coordinating activities related to the monitoring of carbon stocks, greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants in wetlands. 

Kris Decleer is an expert in landscape ecology, ecological restoration, consultancy for nature conservation and spatial planning policy, wetland management, Natura 2000. He’s a board Member and Founder of the European Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER).’

Inspired to improve wetland restoration methods in relation to climate mitigation. Happy to work in this great project!

EVINBO ALFAwetlands team

Post is prepared and photo are provided by Maud Raman, (EV)INBO team leader at ALFAwetlands.

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