Tag: ALFAwetlands

  • ALFAwetlands conference day 1: Excursion to the Hungarian side of the lake

    ALFAwetlands conference day 1: Excursion to the Hungarian side of the lake

    The ALFAwetlands conference was kicked off with a day outside, featuring an excursion to the Hungarian side of the Neusiedler lake and ALFAwetlands Austrian-Hungarian Living Laboratory. First, all the partners were welcomed by the National Park Neusiedler See Seewinkel, represented by Arno Cimadom, who shared many interesting facts about the natural dynamics and biodiversity of…

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  • Birds monitoring on Austrian-Hungarian Living Lab

    Birds monitoring on Austrian-Hungarian Living Lab

    ALFAwetlands Austrian-Hungarian Living Lab includes a floodplain of the Lake Neusiedl. The lake is located on Austrian and Hungarian sides and is a crucial habitat for diverse bird species. Bird monitoring initiatives in this area is extremely important. It provides invaluable data on population trends, migratory patterns, and habitat health. Such efforts aid managers in…

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  • Meet ALFAwetlands Lead Partner: Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Meet ALFAwetlands Lead Partner: Natural Resources Institute Finland

    The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. LUKE’s task is to promote competitive business based on the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, as well as wellbeing and the vitality of the countryside. ALFAwetlands Luke team The ALFAwetlands team at Luke is…

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  • ALFAwetlands Midterm Conference

    ALFAwetlands Midterm Conference

    ALFAwetlands Midterm Conference coming soon! It will take place between 21-24.05.2024 at Lake Neusiedl – Seewinkel National Park Visitor Center, Illmitz, Austria. The Conference aim is to review the progress of ALFAwetlands implementation, present and exchange current results and discuss further plans; interact with local stakeholders and broader public, raise awareness about the importance of…

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  • Peat bogs revitalization and restoration

    Peat bogs revitalization and restoration

    More than 9,000 years ago, extensive peatlands were formed along the line of the Ore Mountains, located on the modern territory of Czech Republic. Natural feature, which was heavily damaged by peat extraction and drainage for centuries, is now an endangered habitat. These areas were declared on both sides of the border: on Czech and…

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  • Wetlands restoration in Slavkovský les

    Wetlands restoration in Slavkovský les

    To learn about wetlands restoration practices and build ALFAwetlands synergies with other projects and initiatives, European Wilderness Society have visited various Czech Republic wetlands restoration sites. It was a part of the study tour, organised in October 2023 by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Carpathian Wetlands Initiative…

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  • Wetlands restoration in Šumava

    Wetlands restoration in Šumava

    As a part of ALFAwetlands synergy activities and learning about wetlands restoration practices, European Wilderness Society have visited various Czech Republic wetlands restoration sites. Furthermore, team expert, Vlado Vancura, have developed number of postings regarding restoration practices. One of them is about Šumava National Park restoration experience, which we are sharing now with you. Introduction…

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  • Happy World Wetlands Day!

    Happy World Wetlands Day!

    The first World Wetlands Day was celebrated on 02 of February in 1997. Since then, this day aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and planet. This day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar.…

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  • EVINBO-ALFAwetlands partner from Belgium

    EVINBO-ALFAwetlands partner from Belgium

    ALFAwetlands consortium includes a partner organisation from Belgium: EVINBO, the Own capital of  Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). About EVINBO INBO is the independent research institute of the Flemish government that underpins and evaluates biodiversity policy and management by means of applied scientific research, data and knowledge sharing. It describes the state and…

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