Category: Wetlands Restoration

  • Peatlands restoration in Western Czechia

    Peatlands restoration in Western Czechia

    ALFAwetlands continues sharing knowledge, gained by our expert, Vlado Vancura, who had joint synergy meetings and the study tour to wetlands restoration practices in Czech Republic. In the last decade, Western Bohemia in Czech Republic has already gained rich experience with the restoration of peatlands. Good examples of such a process are the restoration of…

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  • Peat bogs revitalization and restoration

    Peat bogs revitalization and restoration

    More than 9,000 years ago, extensive peatlands were formed along the line of the Ore Mountains, located on the modern territory of Czech Republic. Natural feature, which was heavily damaged by peat extraction and drainage for centuries, is now an endangered habitat. These areas were declared on both sides of the border: on Czech and…

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  • Learning from past restoration projects

    Learning from past restoration projects

    Under ALFAwetlands Work Package 1, EVINBO and MSF partners are conducting a literature review focusing on restoration measures and approaches implemented in European wetlands over the past 40 years. Primary objective is to gain valuable insights into the entire process of restoration projects, including the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation phase. This will help to…

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  • Wetlands restoration in Šumava

    Wetlands restoration in Šumava

    As a part of ALFAwetlands synergy activities and learning about wetlands restoration practices, European Wilderness Society have visited various Czech Republic wetlands restoration sites. Furthermore, team expert, Vlado Vancura, have developed number of postings regarding restoration practices. One of them is about Šumava National Park restoration experience, which we are sharing now with you. Introduction…

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