Scientific Publications

Explore the comprehensive collection of scientific publications stemming from ALFAwetlands. This section features peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, and other scholarly works that highlight our contributions to the field. The list is constantly updated.

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Designing for collective action: a knowledge co-production process to address water governance challenges on the island of Öland, Sweden

Carolin Seiferth, Maria Tengö and Erik Andersson

Reviews and syntheses: Greenhouse gas emissions from drained organic forest soils – synthesizing data for site-specific emission factors for boreal and cool temperate regions
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Juha Heikkinen, Nicholas Clarke, Hongxing He, Lise Dalsgaard, Kari Minkkinen, Paavo Ojanen, Lars Vesterdal, Jukka Alm, Aldis Butlers, Ingeborg Callesen, Sabine Jordan, Annalea Lohila, Ülo Mander, Hlynur Óskarsson, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Gunnhild Søgaard, Kaido Soosaar, Åsa Kasimir, Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, Andis Lazdins, and Raija Laiho

Wetscapes provide the physical basis to sustainable peatland livelihoods
Ralph J. M. Temmink, Bjorn J. M. Robroek, Gijs van Dijk, Adam H. W. Koks, Sannimari A. Käärmelahti, Alexandra Barthelmes, Martin J. Wassen, Rafael Ziegler, Magdalena N. Steele, Wim Giesen, Hans Joosten, Christian Fritz, Leon P. M. Lamers & Alfons J. P. Smolders

Carbon Losses from Topsoil in Abandoned Peat Extraction Sites Due to Ground Subsidence and Erosion
Raitis Normunds Meļņiks, Arta Bārdule, Aldis Butlers, Jordane Champion, Santa Kalēja, Ilona Skranda, Guna Petaja and Andis Lazdiņš

Application of fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for quantification of chemical parameters in peat samples
Zaiga Anna Zvaigzne, Aldis Butlers

Application of fourier infrared spectroscopy method for quantification of foliar litter composition (link not available)
Ilona Skranda, Aldis Butlers

Mapping and monitoring peatland conditions from global to field scale
Budiman Minasny, Diana Vigah Adetsu, Matt Aitkenhead, Rebekka R. E. Artz, Nikki Baggaley, Alexandra Barthelmes, Amélie Beucher, Jean Caron, Giulia Conchedda, John Connolly, Raphaël Deragon, Chris Evans, Kjetil Fadnes, Dian Fiantis, Zisis Gagkas, Louis Gilet, Alessandro Gimona, Stephan Glatzel, Mogens H. Greve, Wahaj Habib, Kristell Hergoualc’h, Cecilie Hermansen, Darren B. Kidd, Triven Koganti, Dianna Kopansky, David J. Large, Tuula Larmola, Allan Lilly, Haojie Liu, Matthew Marcus, Maarit Middleton, Keith Morrison, Rasmus Jes Petersen, Tristan Quaife, Line Rochefort, Rudiyanto, Linda Toca, Francesco N. Tubiello, Peter Lystbæk Weber, Simon Weldon, Wirastuti Widyatmanti, Jenny Williamson & Dominik Zak

Fine root morphological traits and production in coniferous- and deciduous-tree forests with drained and naturally wet nutrient-rich organic soils in hemiboreal Latvia
Arta Bardule, Kaspars Polmanis, Linards Ludis Krumšteds, Andis Bardulis, Andis Lazdinš

Evaluation of peat layer thickness effect on soil GHG fluxes
Dana Purvina, Ieva Licite, Aldis Butlers, Andis Lazdins, Guntis Saule, Andris Turks, Larysa Prysiazhniuk

The Surface-to-Atmosphere GHG Fluxes in Rewetted and Permanently Flooded Former Peat Extraction Areas Compared to Pristine Peatland in Hemiboreal Latvia
Arta Bārdule, Aldis Butlers, Gints Spalva, Jānis Ivanovs, Raitis Normunds Meļņiks, Ieva Līcīte, Andis Lazdiņš

Mapping peat layer thickness using machine learning and aerial laser scanning data
Janis Ivanovs and Andis Lazdiņš

Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes from Tree Stems in Silver Birch and Black Alder Stands with Drained and Naturally Wet Peat Soils
Guna Petaja, Ritvars Ancāns, Arta Bārdule, Gints Spalva, Raitis Normunds Meļņiks, Dana Purviņa and Andis Lazdiņš

GHG Emissions from Drainage Ditches in Peat Extraction Sites and Peatland Forests in Hemiboreal Latvia
Mārtiņš Vanags-Duka, Arta Bārdule, Aldis Butlers, Emīls Mārtiņš Upenieks, Andis Lazdiņš, Dana Purviņa, Ieva Līcīte

Nutrient-Rich Organic Soil Management Patterns in Light of Climate Change Policy
Ieva Līcīte, Dina Popluga, Pēteris Rivža, Andis Lazdiņš, Raitis Meļņiks

Review of climate change mitigation measures applicable in degraded peatlands in Latvia
Santa Kaleja, Arta Bardule

Nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes from tree stems in birch and black alder stands – a case study in forests with deep peat soils
Jaymin-Vrajlal Sanchaniya, Sai-Pavan Kanukuntla, Apsal Shereef, Janis Kaneps

Sectoral policies cause incoherence in forest management and ecosystem service provisioning
Blattert C., Eyvindson K., Hartikainen M., Burgas D., Potterf M., Lukkarinen J., Snäll T., Toraño Caicoya A., Mönkkönen M.

Wood-Ash Fertiliser and Distance from Drainage Ditch Affect the Succession and Biodiversity of Vascular Plant Species in Tree Plantings on Marginal Organic Soil (link not available)
Austra Zuševica, Santa Celma, Santa Neimane, Moritz von Cossel, Dagnija Lazdina

Mapping drainage ditches in agricultural landscapes using LiDAR data
Melniks, R.; Ivanovs, J.; Lazdins, A.; Makovskis, K.

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