📍Kaigu 14, Latvia
Wood ash application on peat extraction area
Challenges: Forest biofuel account for nearly 40% of gross energy demand in LV. Most of the wood ash (with significant amounts of K, P, and B) from industry end up to landfill. Yet, forests are often short of K and P.
Solutions: Wood ash applied to organic forest soils may lead to 100% higher cumulative CC mitigation effect due to reduction of tree rotation period. Tree growth increment, GHGE and soil C input and BD impacts will be monitored and verified. Methods of wood ash processing, utilisation and monitoring in forests will be addressed among target stakeholders (incl. policymakers).
Outcomes: Fast mitigation benefits: application of wood ash in forests with drained organic soils and wetlands with drained mineral soils may reduce GHGE by ~20 tons CO2 eq./ha over a 50- year period. Indirect effects include reduced CO2 emissions due to natural disturbances.

Type of wetland:
Peat extraction area