Biodiversity ecosystem services of alluvial floodplains

Biodiversity ecosystem services of alluvial floodplains

Challenges: In Southern Europe, alluvial forest wetlands are fragmented and often disconnected from rivers. Their regulation functions – mainly during flooding or water scarcity – are to maintain river water content and purity. Management of Southern European rivers decreases flooding period duration in alluvial forests and reduces their ability to maintain water retention and purification from agricultural areas. 

Solutions: Connectivity of alluvial forests and their functioning in relation to nitrate denitrification will be analyzed to evaluate their ecosystem service potential and their restoration or preservation.

Outcomes: Knowledge on nitrogen cycle and fluvial nitrogen export from agricultural to alluvial wetlands and rivers. Propose a methodology that will consider both climate and water impacts: atmospheric evasion as N2O, and export to rivers under different management options.

Type of wetland:


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